
Tuesday, 13 December 2016


This  week we are learning about fab our group commercial is describing the produce and the produce is fab. If you watch the commercial  you will hear what my team made up. Hope you enjoy our movie :)

Monday, 7 November 2016

Myth Or Bust

WALT: show a developing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts.

Monday, 31 October 2016


 2016  Halloween was awesome spending time with my friends but mostly it was for the lollies. Hope I could do it again but with my real friends but at least I had fun going out get fright from people.It was scary sometimes knocking on the door's because I did't know what will happen but like'y I had my brother with me.I had heap of lollies                                                                                       just enough for me and my friends.I Had An Amazing Day Out.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Friday, 14 October 2016

Olympics Day

On Thursday 13 of October we had an Olympics Day at Pt England School.We had country's and also we had a teacher to guide us to were we are going.My Teacher was Miss Clark and my Country was called south Africa B.We had 18 kids in our team and our leader was Lucas Taylor.My Favourtie game was Doge Ball and Hand Ball because it was so fun because play dose to games.Image result for south africa

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Happy Birthday

It's Tom's 7th Birthday! from Jenny She on Vimeo.

Compound Sentences

1.I wanted to play with my friends but had to go to detention.

2.I went to the shops so I could  buy a drink.

3. Kosini and I went to his house because he needed to get his t-shirt for training.

Walt:pound sentences.

I needed to write three sentence with a compound sentence,also I write my own sentence using my own words. 

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Comparing Graphs

Walt: determine which graph is the best way to find information

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Pie Graphs

Walt: organise data and interpret various data graphs.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

vinicius mascot

The Rio Olympic Mascot.The Rio Mascot Has ear just like a cat.Vinicius Is mixed with all the Brazilian animals. Also It looks like a monkey with long legs.The Mascot has a funny noise.The Mascot is mixed with the colours of the rio logo.It loves to play around with differnt people.The Mascot Has big toes.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Pictographs And Bar Graphs

Walt: organise data and interpret various data graphs.

Olympic Torch

In the Olympics there is a Torch. The torch has different colours of layers on it.The first colour is light blue, the second colour is dark blue, the third colour is lime green, the fourth colour is blue dark and  the last colour is dark black. The torch is sliver like a shiny new car. It is shaped like an orange cone.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Immersion Assembly

Did you know the Olympic in rio starts on the 5th of August?
On Monday The 25th of July The Pt England School Had A Immersion Assembly in the hall.We had the Immersion Assembly because it was the starting of term 3.Our Topic for this term is called We Are The Champions.Team 1,2,3,4,5 and teacheres all had somthing to show Pt England Student’s.

Then Mr Burt said now get ready for team 1.Then the School clpaed.Team 1, they are learning how to be a good champion and eat healthy food and drink heaps and heaps of water and after they showed us 11 what we are learning about every one claped for team 1.Team 2,they are learning about different sports of all kids and the teachers in the movie were rapping and some people were dancing well the teachers in team 2 was rapping.

Team 3,they are learning about quiz about the Olympic I think that would be so cool.Never Forget team 4,we are learning about Olympic all the things around scenc.Team 5 is learning about Olymipc Competitions.

My favorite one was team Four because we learning about Olympic all around scene.Also I liked the vedio because it was so funny and because my firends were on the vedio and also me.Mr Moran  was laughing when I said,Grink gaderad and you will get bigger muscel and he was laughing so hard.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Stem And Leaf Graphs

Walt:Read and organise data in Stem and Leaf Graph
Walt:Find mean, median and mode data set.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

School Art Show

This Term We Have been learning about Comic Art.Today Room 6 and Room 7 went in to the school Art gallery.It was the hall but now it is Pt England Art Gallery.This Terms Theme Is called As I See It.There was Heaps Of Amazing Art work that Kids done In our school.HOPE YOU LIKE IT

Level 10 Advice Column

Walt:Use illustrations to clarify and interpret the text.
This Week Work we had to speak to a person that Mrs Moala use to teach.The person is called Ferdinand.He asked for some advice because he was playing to mush vedio games and not thinking of his family,and I said you should put your vedio game away and help your family. He wanted to Get in the NCEA.NCEA is a place wer people make cool game.Hope you liked it.Thank You!!

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Monday, 27 June 2016

Problem Solving

add and subtract fractions with uncommon denominators.
This Is our Problem Solving From last weed.

Paul Martin Visit

Do you know a person called Paul Martin? A amazing rugby player and a author .Well Yesterday He came to Pt England school.But he only came to team 4.He made his first book and some people brought his new book.The book is called kory the kiwi.It looks like an amazing book.He came all the way from hamiltion to auckland.That is far from auckland but it is in New Zealand.I throught Paul Martin Was going to couch The Titan’s But He did’t because he needed to go back.I am looking forward to reading his new book that he makes.

My favorite part is Paul Martin coming to Pt England School.We Dont Get Good Rugby Players And Amazing Author's.

Normally Just Like What Mrs Moala Said.Be Normally.It made Me be that way because I'm not Normally sometimes.But when he came I was.THANK YOU PAUL MARTIN FOR COMING TO PTENGLAND SCHOOL…..

Monday, 20 June 2016

Comic Drawing

Tom from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

This Is my comic Drawing.This is our animations for this term.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Paul Martin

Walt: make connections across a range of texts.
This Is stuff a write about Paul Martin and the stuff he likes to do and the stuff he loves the most in his life.Two of them is He Love to Play Rugby And Spin Time with his two Cool Kids.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Tell A Story

WALT: use images to tell a story

This Is my tell a story.It has superhero's with Speech Bubbles And you got to write stuff in there that make since.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Will He Save Her

Walt: write a narrative that is descriptive (paints a picture in the reader's mind)

Bam Bam!!!One day a little boy and his friends went to the beach.There name’s were Timmy Jack and Mat.The beach they went to was Mike Marilyn beach.Timmy Ran in first then jack then mat.Mat doesn't really like going into the beach water but he have to so he just ran in.Then Timmy thought he was a good swimmer but the surf water took him and he started to drown.Then Jack and Mat was worried about timmy because they couldn't see him around.Suddenly They heard someone saying HELP HELP.Then They listened one more time then they knew it was Timmy.But they couldn't do anything to help because he was out far and probably he will drown said Mat.The Mat and Jack heard nothing but just the water moving around.Then some how a hero out of the sky dived through the water.He grabbed Timmy and Took him back on to the beach.Then they said thank you Superhero then Hyperwave said That's All right that's my job to save people and partic the world.Then Timmy woke up and he said thank you very much Mr.Then he said no worry.Then he left and that's the end of my story.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Lyrical Game

This is a game just like mario brothers but you cant jump on the then's that kill you.If you die you have to answer a questions.But it is a cool game.

Superhero Description

Walt:use "show" words to write a description.

He is a funny person he doesn't like to fight villains but he have to because he need’s to save the city from getting destroyed.When he has free time sometimes he goes to his lab and goes to his streit movie place with his wife and his little baby girl,and most of the time he goes out with his crew and go and eat some place and watch some old videos.His crew people are James Clark Mat and Jimmy,and his boss is Tom.  

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Problem Solving

Walt: Divide in parts.
What I have Learnt is Dividing in part's.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Bok Choy

This week we learned about bok choy the book in reading.We learned about the actors in the book and write what was about them.But as you can see we write about the boy Jacob.

Jacob Is helping his mum when Ah Sum Calls by.
Because In the beginning Jacob didn't understand  what they were talking about.
Jacob felt cold and sad.
Because he fell in the river and he had a brusie and then he was saved from Ah Sum
William sneers at Ah Sum.William just laughs and thumps the carpet.
Because he did’nt like the cheinese food and cabige.
Ah Sum bows his head and lowers his pole.
Ah Sum was happy because he got a lot of money for giving Jacob and his mum bok choy.
Because he was getting some thankful words.

Friday, 27 May 2016


Superman is the most powerful being on planet Earth, an alien immigrant named Kal-El from the planet Krypton, who was raised in Smallville, Kansas, to become an American superhero. Raised with high moral ideals, he uses his incredible strength, speed, flight and various other superpowers to fight evil and protect the innocent. In his civilian identity he is Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter working for the Daily Planet in Metropolis. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America and a charter member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th Century.

This week we did a Dictogloss with Mrs Moala.The black is my and the blue is what I needed to fix it up.

Friday, 20 May 2016

The Māori Pioneer Battalion

Walt:Show a developing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts.

In The End

Walt:Develop an understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts.

This is my reading work.It is called In The End

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Alphabet Multiplication

Walt:Divide in parts.

This is what I have been working on just now.You get a name as you can see there is letters in the box.You pick one and you look for the numbers were the a's and b's are.

Problem Solving

Walt:Divide in parts.
This is my PS. This is what I'm Working On.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Walt: recognise figurative language in a text.

We are learning about Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia Words that make boom sounds and other sounds

Monday, 9 May 2016

Harry's Letter

Walt:use our prior knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of a text and specific vocabulary.

This is a noat for ted.

Immersion Assembly

Have your teacher’s made you laugh befor.Well on monday the beginning of school we had a Immersion Assembly.It was in the hall.The whole school came.We walked in lines to get to the hall.Then the teachers from the other teams showed us what they are going to learn.

Our school topic for the year is as i see it.It is that becuase when it is in someones eyes they see it drinttely.Mr Jacboson was wearing a thing that has all of the clouers but not all.He was wearing that becuase he is the artis.He is the one the drew the anzac on the wall.

Starting with team 1 they showed us what they are going to lean about.They are learning about their favourite stuff. Team 2 they are learning about there sesions.Now team 3 they are learning about building new stuff.Now our team. Team 4 we are learning about superhero comic books.Last but not least team 5 they are learning about hawaii wakas.

Team 4 our group.We are learning about comic books.We are learning about comic book’s for this term.I like comic book but mostly the superheros,and we are drawing our superheros on paper and sometimes computer.

I really liked the Immersion Assembly.It made me laugh happy and excited becuase I wanted to know what we are going to learn for this term.


Mrs Moala read us a story this morning.The black writhing Is what was good and the blue writhing was the stuff I have to fix up.

Wham!The door slams behind me as I fall into the house.The whooshing of the wind can be heard through the walls.Clink.Clink.clink.hail begins to fall against the window making my head spin.If only wasn't home alone.crash!Hello? is anyone there?’’ I called out into the darkness.When all of a sudden, Mum’s spotted cat comes tearing across the kitchen floor into my arms.Purr. Purr. Im glad someone is home to great me.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Monday, 11 April 2016

White Bait Fritter

WALT: make connections across a range of texts.
This Is telling you about my group.

FiaFIa 2016

Did you know last thursday we had a fiafia night.THe fiafia stared at 6:00 and you  go to your changing room at 6 o'clock again.. but some people went at 4:30 because they can buy the food that is there.I went at 4:50 because I knew my friends would be there.THen when i got there,there was only 2 of them.We started playing then some of our friends came then all of them came.Then it was 6:00 clock then Mr.Burt called out and said we need to go to our changing room.Then we did.I am in room 21 and my group name is called cyrts cyrcts.We got ready and mr burt called out and said we can come and sit down until it is our turn.We were 2and to last.When it was our turn I was so excited but also shy.Then we went up and did our stuff but our song was so funny.Then when we finished I had butterflies when I was walking down from the stage.This Is My FiaFia Writining.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Year 5 and 6 Camp Blog Comment

Blog URL :  
Write 1-2 sentences (In your OWN words) about something you liked in their blog post.
Write 1-2 sentences describing WHY you liked that part of their post.
I liked kaharau blog post because he told the how he was sleeping and what he could here.
I like that because I was loving it when I was sleeping.
I really liked charles post because he said he liked to play games in the hall.
I liked charles one because he said he liked playing games in the to.
Skye one was so amazing because she said she loved cooking and she said also the girls help her learn how to cook .
I liked cooking to but mostly putting up the fire.
I liked Germaine's One because how he put a photo of him and his friends.
I like it and also I liked it because there is a photo of me somewhere to.
Something I liked about Josh’s one is that because he said when we wake up in the morning we going in the hall to do Jump Jam.
Josh Is like me because I liked waking up in the morning and doing jump jam.

My Volcano Animation

Tom Volcano Animation (1) from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

This Is My animation that I have done.As you can see there is a volcano.The volcano has magma rock layers Secondary Vent and ash clouds some rocks and lava flow.You can see the magma
reaches the top of the surface.Then the cloud move's around in the sky.I hope You Will Enjoy My Movie

Friday, 1 April 2016

What Time Is It?

Walt: Tell Time in Hours.

Year 5 and 6 Camp

   Hook On Camp
    The Question i am going to use is:sound affected
My favourite part of camp was doing all the fun activities and do the amazing race.The amazing race is so cool because you get to go around the hole school and that's why it's called the amazing race,and also I liked it when we went to the pools and the end of the day.The pools was so cool because we got to go on the outside pool and do booms.

Thursday, 31 March 2016


Walt: make connections between a texts
This is my idea city reading work.