Thursday, 10 December 2015
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Haiku Poem
WALT:Write a Haiku Poem.This is my poem that I did you need to writ some thing about something,just like what i did.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Time Capsule in the Antarctic 1.3.91
WALT: Find and use relevant parts of text to accurately answer questions about the Shackleton Hut.
This is what the marmites have to do.I Hop you love it
Monday, 30 November 2015
Limerick Poems
WALT:Write a Limerick poem.This is my limerick poem that i did.It is rymeing words the Deskribing words.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Diamante Poems
Diamante Is about words you make about stuff and it is a shap of and diemion. You need to do what i just did but you do something diffident to what i did.
Food Chain
WALT:Learning to find out what Food Chain.
Food Chain has dieergrams and just what i did on top but i will give you another example.It like grass get eating buy rat and rat get eating by snakes and the sank gets eating by a big hock.
Acrostic Poems
WALT:write a positive descriptive acrostic poem using your name and similes.
We are learning to do new stuff in our reading group.We are learning heaps of stuff but this one I have here is a Acrostic Poems.For this one you need to write your name and try to make words out of your first name.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Chair Tiggy
We've played the chair tiggy game today.Run!Yelled my team mates.Run as fast as the wind and try not to get in.But make sure you watch out for the taggers they are good but we are 10 times better than them. If you are a tagger you sit down and wait eager for your turn.If not you would be sitting on a chair waiting nicely for you turn.
I was a runner because it is fun to run and and also you get fit well you a running.People that were tagger were good but some weren't that good like others.
My favourite part about this game is you hear people from your team cheering and shouting out loud.
I felt so happy to be playing the chair tiggy game because some people play it once and a willy and our literacy class is lucky to play it and also we are lucky to have a awesome teacher like Miss Lavakula to take us out and play it.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Problem Solving Week 2
WALT:Walt: order fractions.
I have learnt to add and devied and add and it is always good to learn and add because you get better out stuff that you are not good at.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Problem Solving
WALT:find fractions of a number
This is my Problem Solving.I have learnt that i should always know my fraction for my problem solving.Like 10 quarters of 10=twenty five.
Friday, 23 October 2015
Mustelid Trap
Walt: Read and understand facts about Mustelids
New Zealand native animal
A New Zealand native elephant seal.Here are some facts about elephant seal.Elephant seals are dangerous. They have two eyes dark silvery brown skin, a mouth and a large nose.They can eat octopus flatfish and ratfish Elephant seals also like to eat crab and squid.
Other facts about elephant seals. They have sharp teeth and clawed front flippers Elephants seals also have small eyes just like us.
The elephants seals live in subAntarctic and Antarctic waters.They love living there because it is nice and cold for them.They like to fight a lot and they are so lazy too .That's why they are just the real elephants.
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Catching Mustelids
Ferret lives in forest and grazed pasture.grazed pasture is just like a farm.They have a tail,fur,and they got very small eyes. They have white face and brown on the body.They like to play a lot and if you train them good they could play with toys and it could be good and not kill native animals.
Friday, 16 October 2015
My Holidays
Walt: Recount our favourite part about the Holidays. On the first day of the holidays I went and spent time with my family.One thing we did together was that we went on a picnic.We had spaghetti noodles with mince.We went to Point England beach which was all right.
When we got there heaps of people were swimming in the water. Luckily I took some clothes so I cold swim too.It is better to go to the beach because it is free, not like the pools you have to pay.
Well at the end of the day we walked back home and went for a good sleep because we spent a long day at the beach. It was a cool day”I wish we could do it again.
The next day I went to the internet cafe.I went by myself and it was in Glen innes next to the four square. It is so cool there because the internet is so fast and you get to play on stuff.In the end I walked back to my nans and waited for my mum to come and pick me up.I felt so happy when i went to the cafe and went for a picnic with my family In the holidays.I enjoyed going on the picnic with my family and sometimes people don't get stuff like that.I hope for next time that I could do the same thing.
WALT:Use the text to help us accurately answer questions.This is a kind of bird that dose something different to other birds.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Cross Country
Walt: write a poem using nouns, verbs and adjectives
WALT:write a poem using nouns, verbs and adjectives
Cross Country
Muddy, straining,
sweating, Windy ,splashing,
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Butter Butter Butter
WOW?I didn't know butter was so easy to make.All you need is just cream milk and a pinch of salt and that is all you need to make butter.Then we tried the school made butter on bread,and it was so nice.
WOW?I didn't know butter was so easy to make.All you need is just cream milk and a pinch of salt and that is all you need to make butter.Then we tried the school made butter on bread,and it was so nice.
2015 writhing
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Hooking In
WALT:Writhing Introductions that orientate and hook in our audience.
First Try:
This term team 4 have been learning about trade and enterprise, Our trade and enterprise means that you choose a business group that you would like to be in. Well you could choose any group that you like,well I am in jewellery.
With a?
Have you did something so cool before? Well this term team 4 have been learning about trade and enterprise. Our trade and enterprises we have six groups that make stuff.Guess what my group makes? I am In jewelry and we make looms.
With a!This term team 4 have been learning about trade and enterprise.We are making bracelets for people.If you come to use we Order it now!
With facts
Have you did something so cool before? Well this term team 4 have been learning about trade and enterprise. Our trade and enterprises we have six groups that make stuff. I am In jewelry and Our group we make stuff like bracelet and stuff that you would like to buy.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Mr Wilding Potato,s
WALT:Infer and interpret the main ideas in the story.
It is so nice if you help people it will be good and it will do something good for you.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Ants And Grasshopper
This is the ants and grasshopper story. The grasshopper was begging to let him in and he would do aanything for them but he just wanted to get in side.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Grass To Glass
WALT:Adding detail to the beginning of sentences.
The last step is bottling the milk. This completes the journey from grass to glass. After the farms has milked the cows,the milk is cooled.When the farms has milked the cows it goes through a warm pipe then it gets cold in another pipe! Then it goes into the big tank then about 1 week or 2 they come and collect the milk!
It goes through the separated machine then the, milk and cream are separated.The kind of milk you can make is the dark blue milk and the green milk, but the dark blue milk has lots of cream and the green milk has not that much cream. The cream spins around so fast.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Problem Solving
Walt: add and subtract decimals.I have learnt to use times and add and subtract. Some I
guess what the number is but i got it and it was so cool do add and subtract
decimals. Renumber to comment down below.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
WALT:Add and subtract decimals.
Here is some maths problems that i solve by my self that i did.
Subtract Decimals
WALT:Add an d subtrat decimals.We have been learning abut decimals in our rules group.To me it was a bit hard but when i got use to it i got better at it.
Monday, 17 August 2015
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Mum For Sale
I would never sell my mum because she dose ever thing for me like give me money or the time and she gives me food like we go to some cool places to eat.If I dint have my mum there will be now food for me and no more money anymore.
tom pt england
Grass To Glass-Part 1
Walt: Add detail to the end of sentences.
Cows eat 70 kilograms of grass a day, or In the winter they can eat silage instead of grass. This is like me eating 70 packs of chocolate a day.Did you know that 70 kg is as twice as to kids?
Cows have four stomachs, compared to us we only have 1 stomachs .Cows have four stomachs which they eat there grass and It goes into their stomachs.

Now days milking machines do all the hard work ,so it is easy for the farms.Now we have a machine that milkes the cow and It gose Into and big thing where all the milk comes out of the cows.
Monday, 10 August 2015
Curriculum Vitae
Hi my name is tom and i am the best guy to do this job
Friday, 7 August 2015
Missing The Bus
Walt: Find the hidden messages in the text
Teina Could save up to buy a some food for her when she gets hunger.She could give her mum some money so the mum can buy her something that she really wanted.If i had that money I would give some to my mum if she want's some but sometimes she don't really wont money.
Teina Could save up to buy a some food for her when she gets hunger.She could give her mum some money so the mum can buy her something that she really wanted.If i had that money I would give some to my mum if she want's some but sometimes she don't really wont money.
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Living On A Farm
WALT:Write paragraphs with a variety of sentence lengths and complexities.
If i Lived on a farm i would realey love to ride a moterbike.It will be so cool because you could do heaps of things like jumping or doing a weley.But i can not do that now because we are in a school.Asow it will be cool to ride a moterbike because you can chase all the cows back into the shed.
Why wasn’t I born in the country? After school there would be so many things to do like feeding calves, chickens and pigs, and riding bikes and horses. I think country kids are very lucky.
If i Lived on a farm i would realey love to ride a moterbike.It will be so cool because you could do heaps of things like jumping or doing a weley.But i can not do that now because we are in a school.Asow it will be cool to ride a moterbike because you can chase all the cows back into the shed.
Another one i would do on a farm i would milk the cow because if there mums don't milk them they won't get feed or get any milk.But the farmers will milk them and feed them like a cow mum.I would milk them and feed them i want to be like a real farmer.
Feeding the calves would be so cool because you get to use a special thing that milkes the calves.I really want to do that if i was living on a big farm.Calves Are So cool because you get to do heaps of things with them but if there mums are not there they will have no food or no milk.
Why wasn’t I born in the country? After school there would be so many things to do like feeding calves, chickens and pigs, and riding bikes and horses. I think country kids are very lucky.
Monday, 3 August 2015
Living On A Farm
If i Lived on a farm i would realey love to ride a moterbike.It will be so cool because you could do heaps of things like jumping or doing a weley.But i can not do that now because we are in a school.Asow it will be cool to ride a moterbike because you can chase all the cows back into the shed.

Another one i would do on a farm i would milk the cow because if there mums don't milk them they won't get feed or get any milk.But the farmers will milk them and feed them like a cow mum.I would milk them and feed them i want to be like a real farmer.
Feeding the calves would be so cool because you get to use a special thing that milkes the calves.I really want to do that if i was living on a big farm.Calves Are So cool because you get to do heaps of things with them but if there mums are not there they will have no food or no milk.
Why wasn’t I born in the country? After school there would be so many things to do like feeding calves, chickens and pigs, and riding bikes and horses. I think country kids are very lucky
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