Walt: Add detail to the end of sentences.
Cows eat 70 kilograms of grass a day, or In the winter they can eat silage instead of grass. This is like me eating 70 packs of chocolate a day.Did you know that 70 kg is as twice as to kids?
Cows have four stomachs, compared to us we only have 1 stomachs .Cows have four stomachs which they eat there grass and It goes into their stomachs.
Now days milking machines do all the hard work ,so it is easy for the farms.Now we have a machine that milkes the cow and It gose Into and big thing where all the milk comes out of the cows.
I like the way you have a variety of sentence lengths in your paragraphs Tom. You have worked hard to add clauses to the ends of simple sentences to make them more detailed.