
Wednesday 22 April 2015

School Picnic

Image result for pt england beachHave you ever been To pt england Reserve well i have.Our hole school went down there on a good sunny day for a good picnic.It was on a friday and it was on a  good day to go siwmm.Our hole school went down there on a good sunny day.It was on a good friday and it was a good day to swimm.Well frist we sait down on the wit grass and  listin to Mr Burt’ and the perfikes told us about the spots.The sopts that they said there was cricket, volleyball,softball,tag,ripper’ rugby,soccer.
We needed to listen to the rolls so we don't go hospital. The we went  of and looked for a good spot for us.After we looked for a spot for us some of us ate our lunch and some ran of to play the games that they said.Well i didn't i ran to the hill and rod down it a lot of times.Then i got dicey and i decided to go and eat my lunch at our nice spot.Then Mr Burt said its time for the year 1s to go for a swim now.Then the year 1z went to put there swimming togs on and go and siwm.Then it went up to the year 5 to 8.Then for last we had

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