
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Two Trees

Walt: Infer and interpret the hidden message in the text

Answer the following questions:

1. Why didn’t the new tree want to put it’s roots down?because  he had no time for that

2. Why did the new tree disappear after the storm?The wind was to hard and the water went to the bottom of the tree and the wind blue the new tree away
3. List three differences between the new and old tree The new tree was a show of and he didn't want to put his roof down.The old tree was nice and when the winds come he puts his foot down.I like the old tree because hes not a show of.

Old Tree:Nice puts his foots down and he looks after people evendo they are mean

New Tree:show of never puts his foots down.

4. What was the author’s secret message in this story?           When the storm stopped the new tree.  was gone

5. What did you learn from this story?that the new tree was mean and the old tree was a good and a nice tree.

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