
Thursday, 12 February 2015

The Duffy Theatre


Everybody sat down to watch the Duffy show. The Duffy show was all about Reading books and learning to read. Seana did not like reading books so Duffy had a idea to make Seana read books.

After school she went to the shop but she had no money to buy anything. saw a toyshop so she went to it and she saw Duffy getting 6 books. She was so amazed that she thought he stole it.

Duffy and seana was doing  funky face but seanas face was the most funnest the herles face ever. But Duffy was alright. The  had the keyboard on the left arm.

My favourite part was when the fairy sings tinkatinkatinktinkatinkatinkalalala. That was my favourite part. Her mum was coming to the book solely and she saw seana.. t the mum was like what the heck are you doing here i told you after school go straight home. So the mum took her home but when Duffy showed the mum the fishing book she said “wow can i have that book please?”

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